The current digital landscape is broken and we believe it is directly due to a business model that relies on exploiting users’ attention.
Our attention, commodified and auctioned to the highest bidder, fuels an economy that thrives on addiction and division. User engagement is designed to generate fast, repetitive and endless users’ reactions to keep us ‘connected’.
In the digital realm, ‘free’ is an illusion, a siren song. As the saying goes “If it’s free then you’re probably the product.” And the more we are connected, the higher the value.
For two decades, toxic dynamics have been sculpted by social media, driven by an economy that monetizes our attention at the cost of authentic human connection and cultural integrity.
• Polarization thrives unchecked
• Conversations turn violent
• Censorship looms large
• Echo chambers stifle diversity
• Easy content and poor quality standard
• Fake-news spread like wildfire
• Digital addictions escalate
• More isolation, depression, narcissism
The promise of Web3, with its decentralized allure, is a stride forward, yet it falls short. It reshuffles the deck of revenue and governance but leaves the core issue untouched. Virality still trumps value, and the ‘creators’ economy’ is nothing but the attention economy rebranded.
Without a shift from commodification of information and attention to empowerment, freedom and creativity will remain stifled, and the future, dim.
For two decades, global social media driven by the attention economy have sculpted our world, often at the expense of genuine human connection. Republike proposes a whole new design of social media.
Because what is good for a community is good for any of its members while not all individual choices are good for the community, we prioritize the common good to create long-term value for everyone. Our radical approach sets us apart from any other social media platforms whether they are web 2.0 or web3.
Republike is the first 100% profit sharing Social Media, because the era of profit at any cost, of homogenized thought and ecological disregard, must end. In the age of AI and technological might, we can no longer afford to miss the point.
At Republike, profit goes back to its right place: an outcome, not a dogma. Here, your one and only value is celebrated and rewarded.
Through its game-changer business model, Republike severs the ties between financial needs and user attention. For less than the price of a coffee each month, you gain ownership, decision-making power, and a share in the profits. You’re no longer the product; you’re a stakeholder, a visionary, a beneficiary.
Republike is an oasis free from ad intrusion and manipulative algorithms, where dialogue flourishes and creators truly own their content. It turns you from being a product into being an owner. This is the Pay-To-Own model.